“Sail Away” is the new single clip released from Perpetual Etude featuring Göran Edman, out of their...
Göran Edman
After the success of “Rare Tracks & Demos” & “More Demos From L.A.”, Frédéric Slama’ s AOR all...
German Neoclassical Heavy Metal band, ETERNAL FLAME, have released a lyric video for ‘Got A Rock & Roll Fever‘,...
German Neoclassical Heavy Metal band, MICHAEL SCHINKEL’S ETERNAL FLAME, have signed a multi album deal with ROAR! Rock Of...
German Neoclassical Heavy Metal band, MICHAEL SCHINKEL’S ETERNAL FLAME, have signed a multi album deal with ROAR! Rock Of...
After three albums with his band IMPERA, founding drummer Johan Kihlberg decided it was time to spread...
Johan Kihlberg, the founder and drummer of Swedish melodic rockers IMPERA, has signed a solo deal with Germany’s Metal...
Johan Kihlberg, the founder and drummer of Swedish melodic rockers IMPERA, has signed a solo deal with Germany’s Metal...
Brand new Project from Frontiers Records featuring : Goran Edman, Daniel Flores, Soren Kronqvist & Michael Palace...